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What are the states that mandate state ID numbers in 1099 while filing taxes?

When declaring the income and withholdings for a state, the following states mandate the employer's State ID number in each Form 1099.

  • Alabama (AL)
  • Connecticut (CT)
  • Delaware (DE)
  • Iowa (IA)
  • Kentucky (KY)
  • North Carolina (NC)
  • Oregon (OR)
  • Pennsylvania (PA)
  • Utah (UT)
  • Vermont (VT)
  • West Virginia (WV)
  • Wisconsin (WI)

If you do have the state ID number in the right format or do not have the number, please contact the state directly. Below is the valid state ID number for the states and their contact details.

State Valid Formats Contact Details
Alabama 10 digits (Eg: 0000123456) or
constant R followed by 9 digits (Eg: R007999999)
Phone Number: 334-242-1490
Connecticut (CT) 8 digits and hyphen followed by 3 digits (Eg: 99999999-999),
9 digits and hyphen followed by 3 digits (Eg: 999999999-999),
10 digits and hyphen followed by 3 digits (Eg: 9999999999-999), or
2 digits and hyphen followed by 7 digits (Eg: 99-9999999), or
7 digits and hyphen followed by 3 digits (Eg: 9999999-999)
Phone Number: 800-400-7115 or 877-729-6691
Delaware (DE) 1 digit, hyphen, 9 digits, and hyphen followed by 3 digits (Eg: 9-999999999-999) Phone Number: 302-577-8779
Iowa (IA) 2 digits and hyphen followed by 10 digits (Eg: 99-9999999999), or
2 digits, hyphen, 7 digits and hyphen followed by 3 digits (Eg: 99-9999999-999), or
1 digit, hyphen, 2 digits and hyphen followed by 6 digits (Eg: 9-99-999999)
Phone Number: 800-367-3388
Kentucky (KY) 6 digits (Eg: 999999) Phone Number: 502-564-5170 or (502) 564-4581?
North Carolina (NC) 9 digits (Eg: 999999999) Phone Number: 877-252-3052
Oregon (OR) 7 digits and hyphen followed by 1 digit Phone Number: ?503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
Pennsylvania (PA) 4 digits and space followed by 4 digits (Eg: 9999 9999) or
8 digits (Eg: 99999999)
Phone Number: 717-787-1064
Utah (UT) 11 digits followed by constant WTH (Eg: 12345678901WTH)
8 digits, hyphen, 3 digits, and hyphen followed by constant WTH (Eg: 99999999-999-WTH)
Phone Number: 800-662-4335
Vermont (VT) 12 digits and constant F followed by 2 digits (Eg: 430999999999F99) or
constant WHT followed by 8 digits (Eg: WHT12345678)
Phone Number: 802-828-2551 or (802) 828-2505
West Virginia (WV) 2 digits and a hyphen followed by 7 digits (Eg: 99-9999999) ,
3 digits, hyphen, 2 digits, and a hyphen followed by 4 digits (Eg: 999-99-9999) or
9 digits (Eg: 999999999)
Phone Number: 304-558-3333 or 1-800-982-8297
Email: TaxHelp@WV.Gov
Wisconsin (WI) constant 036 followed by 12 digits (Eg: 036999999999999),
constant 036, hyphen, 10 digits, and hyphen followed by 2 digits (Eg: 036-9999999999-99),
2 digits and a hyphen followed by 7 digits (Eg: 99-9999999) ,
3 digits, hyphen, 2 digits, and a hyphen followed by 4 digits (Eg: 999-99-9999) or
9 digits (Eg: 999999999)
Phone Number: 608-266-2776

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