Valid Formats
Alabama (AL)
Arizona (AZ)
Arkansas (AR)
11 digits without a hyphen followed by a constant (Eg, 12345678WHW) or
9 digits without hyphen (Eg: 999999999) or
11 digits with a hyphen followed by a constant (Eg, 12345678-WHW) or
11 digits with a hyphen followed by a constant (Eg, 99999999-ZZZ) or
California (CA)
8 digits starting with 3 digits, a hyphen 4 digits and hyphen 1 digit (Eg: 999-9999-9) or
8 digits (Eg: 99999999) or
12 digits (Eg: 999999999999) or
9 digits (Eg: 999999999)
Colorado (CO)
Connecticut (CT)
Delaware (DE)
District of Columbia (DC)
Georgia (GA)
Hawaii (HI)
11 digits starting with the constant "W," followed by 8 digits, a hyphen, and 2 digits (Eg: W12345678-01) or
15 digits starting with the constant "WH," followed by a hyphen, 3 digits, another hyphen, 3 digits, another hyphen, 4 digits, and a final hyphen with 2 digits (Eg: WH-987-654-3210-01).
Idaho (ID)
Illinois (IL)
Indiana (IN)
Iowa (IA)
12 digits starting with 2 digits, followed by a hyphen and 10 digits (Eg: 99-9999999999) or
12 digits starting with 2 digits, followed by a hyphen, 7 digits, and a final hyphen with 3 digits (Eg: 99-9999999-999).
Kansas (KS)
15 digits with starting 036 Followed by 9 digits and hyphen followed by F01 (Eg: “036” - Federal EIN - “F01”) or
15 digits with starting 036 followed by 9 digits and F constant and hyphen 01 (Eg: 036-123456789F-01)
Kentucky (KY)
Louisiana (LA)
Maine (ME)
Maryland (MD)
Massachusetts (MA)
3 constant and a hyphen followed by 8 digits and a hyphen followed by 3 digits (Eg: WTH-99999999-999) or
2 digits and a hyphen followed by 7 digits (Eg: 99-9999999) or
8 digits (Eg: 99999999)
9 digits with a hyphen (Eg: 999-999-999)
Michigan (MI)
2 digits and hyphen followed by 7 digits (Eg: 99-9999999) or
9 digits (Eg: 999999999) or
2 constant and a hyphen followed by 7 digits (Eg: ZZ-9999999)
Minnesota (MN)
Mississippi (MS)
Missouri (MO)
Montana (MT)
Nebraska (NE)
New Jersey (NJ)
9 digits and a slash or / followed by 3 digits (Eg: 999999999/999) or
3 digits and a hyphen followed by 3 digits and a hyphen followed by 3 digits and a slash or / followed by 3 digits (Eg: 999-999-999/999)
New Mexico (NM)
2 digits, hyphen, 6 digits, hyphen, 2 digits, hyphen followed by one digit. (Eg:99-999999-99-9) or
2 digits, hyphen, 6 digits, hyphen followed by 3 digits (Eg:99-999999-999)
New York (NY)
9 digits space followed by one digit. (Eg: 999999999 9) or
11 digits space followed by one digit. (Eg:99999999999 9) or
Constant NY followed by 7 digits. (Eg: NY9999999) or
Constant NY followed by 9 digits. (Eg: NY999999999)
North Carolina (NC)
North Dakota (ND)
Ohio (OH)
2 digits and a hyphen followed by 6 digits (Eg: 51-999999) or
2 digits and a hyphen followed by 6 digits (Eg: 99-999999) or
2 digits space followed by 6 digits (Eg: 99 999999) or
2 digits space followed by 6 digits (Eg: 59 999999)
Oklahoma (OK)
Oregon (OR)
Pennsylvania (PA)
Rhode Island (RI)
South Carolina (SC)
2 digits and a hyphen followed by 7 digits (Eg: 99-9999999) or
9 digits (Eg: 999999999) or
8 digits and a hyphen followed by 1 digit (Eg: 99999999-9)
Tennessee (TN)
Utah (UT)
11 digits followed by 3 constants (Eg: 12345678901WTH) or
8 digits, hyphen, 3 digits, and hyphen followed by constant WTH (Eg: 99999999-999-WTH)
Vermont (VT)
Virginia (VA)
2 digits, hyphen 9 digits and 1 constant and a hyphen followed by 3 digits (Eg: 30-123456789F-001) or
10 digits (Eg: 9999999999)
West Virginia (WV)
Wisconsin (WI)