TaxBandits Knowledge Base

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[Error code: IRIS_Err_001] How do I resolve it?

This error might occur in the below three scenarios:


Rejection Message

What does it mean


Recipient name and TIN does not match with the IRS records.

The error occurs because the PersonName and TIN provided in the RecipientDetail do not match the corresponding records in the IRS database. 


Business name and TIN does not match with the IRS records.

The error occurs because the BusinessName and TIN provided in the RecipientDetail do not match the corresponding records in the IRS database. 


Recipient TIN is required

 The error indicates that the TIN field in the RecipientDetail section is missing or empty.  


Click here to learn more about how to file Form 1099 Correction.

Click here to learn more about how to file Form W-2 Correction.

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