TaxBandits Knowledge Base

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How to bulk import my BOIR data?

TaxBandits offers an easy and convenient way to e-file your BOI reporting information in bulk. Follow the below-given steps to upload your reporting information in bulk:

Step 1: Sign in to your TaxBandits account.

Step 2: Click the 'Start BOI Report' button from the BOIR dashboard.

Step 3: Select the 'Bulk Upload' option. Read the instructions thoroughly before uploading the BOI reporting information.


Step 4: You can download our CSV template and fill in the data with the provided instructions. Click here to learn the general instructions for uploading the file in the proper format.

Step 5: Once you fill in all the information on the downloaded template, upload the file or drag and drop it. Note that only CSV files are supported. Then, click "Continue to Preview".

Note: Currently, TaxBandits only supports the CSV file format. If you open the downloaded template in another file format, you need to convert it into CSV format. Click here to learn how to convert your BOIR file to CSV format.

Step 6: You'll get a preview of the first three records from your uploaded file. Check the details and continue with the further process.

Step 7: You'll get to an import summary page. Our system will generate draft BOI reports based on the imported data.  If there are any errors, you'll find them in the Click the “View Error" to view the errors on the uploaded file. 

Note: You can skip them and continue with the companies without errors. The skipped records will be available under ‘Reports with Errors’ in the Dashboard, where you can fix the errors later.

Step 8: Errors will be listed in the right corner. Fix the incorrect information, ensure it is correct, and click ‘Continue.’ 

Once you’ve updated the incorrect information then continue to upload the identification documents process.

Step 9: Upload the identification documents for each beneficial owner and company applicant you reported. Here, you have the following option for completing their required information:

  • Bulk Invite Clients: Here, you’ve two options to invite your clients:

    • With Own Branding: By selecting this option, you can customize the secure link by uploading your own logo. 

    • Without Branding: By selecting this option, your clients will receive the email under the TaxBandits name.

Select your preferred option, send an invite to your clients to provide the required information, and upload their ID to complete the reporting process.  Click the ‘Go to Dashboard’ button.

Once you complete the bulk upload process, the success reports will be in the ‘In-Progress’ section. Provide the missing information, complete the payment, and submit the BOI reports to FinCEN.




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