TaxBandits Knowledge Base
Have questions? We've got you covered!How to correct the Payer Name and/or TIN in 1099s?
To correct the payer details on your 1099 form, you need to send a letter to the IRS with the following information:
- Name and address of payer
- Type of error (include the incorrect payer name/TIN that was reported)
- Tax year
- Correct payer TIN
- TCC (If the original return was filed with us, request us for the TCC#)
- Type of return
- Number of payees
- Filing method, paper or electronic
- If federal income tax was withheld
You must send this letter to the following address:
Internal Revenue Service,
230 Murall Drive, Mail Stop 4360,
Kearneysville, WV 25430.
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