TaxBandits Knowledge Base

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How do I fix the errors in the recipient records that were imported from my Zoho Books account?

Once you import the recipient information from Zoho Books to TaxBandits, the summary of the recipient records will be displayed.  If there are any errors or missing information, you can find them under the Errors tab and fix them using any of the following methods:

  1. Resolve errored recipient records one-by-one
  2. Resolve errored recipient records in bulk 

1. To resolve errored recipient records one-by-one,  follow the steps below

  • Click Errors, and under the Errors column, click View Errors against the specific recipient.

  • Check the error message and then click Fix Error to view the form.

Fix Errored recipient records

  • Make the necessary changes to the required field and click Save & Continue to proceed with the process until transmission.

Fix Errored recipient records
2. To resolve errored recipient records in bulk, follow these steps

  • Click Export Errors.

Fix Errored recipient Record in Bulk

  • Click Download. This will download an Excel file with errored records.

Fix Errored recipient Record in Bulk

  • Analyze the errors for each recipient in the Error message column and correct them directly in the downloaded file. 
  • Click Upload Corrected File to upload the corrected file from your computer. 

Fix Errored recipient Record in Bulk

The corrected recipient information for the same business will then be displayed. Click Continue to Import and proceed with the process until transmission.

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