TaxBandits Knowledge Base

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How to file Form 8027 with TaxBandits?

To e-file your Form 8027 with TaxBandits, follow these steps for a hassle-free filing experience:

Step 1: Sign in to your TaxBandits account.

Step 2: Click 'Start New Form' and select 'Form 8027.'


Step 3: Click on 'Select Employer From Address Book' to add the employer details from the address book or you can also add the details manually. 


Step 4: Enter the establishment details in the respective fields and click ‘Save and Continue.’


Step 5: Enter the required details in the respective fields, your employer and establishment details will be automatically mapped to the form. 


Step 6: You can review the summary of forms that are ready for filing. You also have an option to download the draft version of the form in PDF format. 


Step 7: Proceed to payment and transmit the form. After transmission, track the status of your return in the 94x/8027 dashboard. 


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