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Have questions? We've got you covered!How to file corrections for multiple 1099/W-2 forms in bulk?
TaxBandits offers a Bulk Correction option to simplify filing corrections for multiple 1099/W-2 forms simultaneously.
Note: You can correct or void the returns the IRS/SSA has accepted. If you need to correct or void multiple forms, use the ‘Bulk Corrections’ option. Learn How Bulk Corrections Work
Here are the steps to file 1099 Bulk Corrections:
Step 1: Click the 'Start New Form' on the dashboard, select the form type, and select the tax year for which you need to file corrections.
Step 2: Select the payer from the address book for whom you want to file corrections.
Step 3: Choose the form type (Ex., 1099-NEC or W-2) from the dropdown menu.
Step 4: A list of recipients is associated with the selected payer. To make corrections for multiple recipients, click the 'Bulk Corrections' option.
Step 5: Export the original forms accepted by the IRS/SSA for the selected payer and make necessary corrections.
- You can correct all the details except for the payer details. For correcting the payer details, the IRS/SSA requires you to send a letter directly.
- If you correct the state information or add a new state, you must download the corrected form as a PDF and submit it to the state agency.
Step 6: Select multiple recipients for whom you want to file the corrections, export their forms as a CSV file, and update the incorrect information in the file.
Step 7: Once you've made the necessary changes in your file, upload the revised CSV file back to the system.
Step 8: Preview the records of your uploaded file. Ensure that data is correctly mapped with the respective fields. If you find any errors in the imported data, proceed to the next page to fix them.
Step 9: Forms with errors are listed here. Fix the errors now, or skip them and proceed with the ready-to-file forms.
Note: If you have missed correcting any information on your exported forms, you can correct it here.
Once you've corrected the incorrect information and fixed the errors on your form, click 'Continue Filing' to proceed with the next step.
Step 10: On the federal filing page, you can review your forms, download them in PDF format, and download the summary form.
Step 11: You can review the summary of forms that are ready for federal filing.
- You can export the draft versions of the form as PDFs.
- Use the 'Share with Client' option to share the forms with your clients via BanditConnect for their review.
Step 12: If state filing is required for any corrected forms listed here, complete the payment for state corrections, download the forms as a PDF file, and submit them manually to the respective state agency.
Step 13: Proceed to 'Form Distribution,' select the type of form you want to be distributed, and continue. TaxBandits provides you with four options to send recipient copies:
- Postal Mailing - We will print and deliver copies of the form to the recipients via postal mail.
- BanditShare (Online Access) - The recipients will be granted access to a secure online portal to view and download their form copies.
- Advanced Distribution - Customize how many recipients receive postal mail or online access based on your needs.
If you prefer to manage the form distribution on your own, choose 'I will print and distribute myself' and proceed further.
Step 14: Review the filing summary and submit the correction forms to the IRS/SSA to complete the filing.
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