TaxBandits Knowledge Base
Have questions? We've got you covered!How to file Form 1042-S with TaxBandits?
Follow the below steps to file Form 1042-S with TaxBandits.
Step 1: Log into your Taxbandits account.
Step 2: Click ‘Start New Form’, choose Form 1042-S under 1099 Forms - Federal & State filing, and click ‘File now’.
Step 3: Choose Tax year and click ‘File Form 1042 - S’ to proceed
Step 4: TaxBandits offers ‘Manual Entry’ or ‘Bulk Upload’ options. Choose the method you prefer to upload data and click ‘Start Now’.
Step 5: Upon clicking, you will receive the page to fill out your Form 1042-S data. Feed all the required data and click ‘Save & Continue’.
Step 6: Preview the added Form 1042-S data and you can add any of the distribution services if you wish to. Then, click ‘Continue Filing’ to proceed.
Step 7: After confirming the gross income, click ‘Continue’ to proceed.
Step 8: Click ‘Complete Your Order’, after checking the order details to proceed with the payment.
Step 9: Once done, your form will be successfully transmitted to the IRS.
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