TaxBandits Knowledge Base
Have questions? We've got you covered!How to file Form 3921 from TaxBandits?
Companies utilize Form 3921 to notify the IRS that a shareholder has just exercised the ISO. This form is submitted in the year in which the ISO was exercised. A copy of the form must be supplied to the shareholder as well after the corporation files it.
TaxBandits is here to assist you with Form 3921 filing. We offer form-based filing to make it convenient for all employers.
For Manual Data Entry:
Transferors must file 3921 online if they need to submit 250 or more 3921 forms. To enter the information manually for each employee, follow the steps below to file 3921:
- Sign in to TaxBandits.
- Click on Start New -> Form -> 3921 under 1099 section.
- Select Start Now under the Manual Data Entry method.
- Enter Transferor and Employee information, and details regarding shares in the applicable boxes.
- Review the forms, make payment at the Checkout page, and Transmit the returns.
For Bulk Upload:
If you need to e-file a high volume of 3921 forms, you can use our Bulk Upload feature. Once you upload a file containing all of the mandatory form information, you can transmit the forms to the IRS in a few simple steps.
- Select Start Now under the Upload Excel/CSV Template.
- If you are an existing TaxBandits user and have already uploaded the Business details, you can add these details from the address book. If you are a new user, enter your business details, then click Save and Continue.
- The next step is to import the Transferor and Employee details using Bulk Upload. To import the data, click on the Download Template button to download the TaxBandits template. Then, enter the Transferor and Employee details, upload the template from your computer, and click the Upload Button.
When you import the file, there may be some errors present. The errors will be highlighted in the View Error link. You can click this link to download the File (Excel/CSV) with errors. Then, resolve the errors in Excel and reupload to continue filing.
Review the forms and make the payment on the Checkout page to transmit the returns.
Once you transmit the forms and download the PDF copies, you can print them and send them to the recipients.
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