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Michigan - W2 State Filing Requirements

The Michigan Department of Treasury mandates the filing of the W2 Forms even if there is no state tax withholding. TaxBandits supports the filing of Form W-2 with both the SSA and the State of Michigan. 

However, we do not support filing Reconciliation “Form-5081” with the state, and the employer is responsible for filing the reconciliation form before the deadline.

What to be filed

Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statements
Form-5081 Sales, Use, and Withholding Taxes Annual Return.

Due Date

The filing due date to file Form W2 is January 31, and Form 5081 with the state of Michigan is February 28.


A penalty of $10 will be imposed per day for Form W2 not filed on time with the state of Michigan.

Mailing Address

If you withheld taxes, mail your Form W2 along with 5081 and W-3 to the following address:

Michigan Department of Treasury,
P.O. Box 30401,
Lansing, MI 48909-7901.

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