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Rejection error codes from the IRS for 94x Online Signature PIN filings

The IRS may reject your return for various reasons. If the IRS rejects your 94x Online Signature PIN filing, below are the rejection error codes and the solution to resolve it.

A94XPIN-001 - 'SSN' of the Authorized Signer on an application for 94x PIN must be within the valid range of SSN and must not be an ITIN/ATIN.


  • Verify if the 'SSN' of the Signing Authority was entered and not their ITIN/ATIN. 

  • If the 'SSN' entered was incorrect, you need to request a new 94x PIN.  To do that, from the menu '94x', click 94x PIN Request.
  • If the SSN entered was correct, contact the IRS for further assistance.

A94XPIN-003 - For the EIN, an active 94x PIN already exists, or an application is still being processed. 


For the EIN, an active 94x PIN already exists, or an application is still being processed.

The error code is displayed when the IRS rejects your PIN registration. The IRS has rejected this PIN registration because another enrollment is in progress, or because a PIN has already been assigned for the EIN. Check if you have received PIN registration documents in the mail. If you haven’t received any such mails, contact the IRS to check the status of the previous enrollment.


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