TaxBandits Knowledge Base

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I don't have the recipient's TIN. Can I still file their 1099?

Yes! If the recipient has failed to provide their TIN, you can enter all zeros in the TIN field and submit your 1099 form to the IRS. Using all zeros (000-00-0000) as a placeholder TIN can help you avoid late filing penalties. However, the IRS will likely send a notice reminding you to obtain the correct TIN from the recipient.

Once you receive the updated TIN, file a corrected Form 1099 using TaxBandits to ensure compliance.

Manual Data Entry:

If you have chosen the manual data entry method for the recipient TIN, check the box TIN not provided. This will indicate that you are sending the IRS a TIN consisting of all zeros.


Bulk Upload:

When entering a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) in a CSV file, you may encounter an issue where CSV automatically removes leading zeros, causing errors during file uploads. To prevent this, follow these steps:

  1. Add a Single Quote (' ): Before typing the TIN, add a single quote (') symbol, then enter the TIN, and press Enter. This ensures CSV treats the value as text and preserves the leading zeros.
    • Example for SSN: Enter '098765432 for an SSN like 098-76-5432.
    • Example for Placeholder TINs: For unavailable TINs, type '000000000 and press Enter.
  2. Apply the Same for ZIP Codes: You can also use this method to retain leading zeros in ZIP codes.


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