TaxBandits Knowledge Base
Have questions? We've got you covered!How to register my business for EFTPS in TaxBandits?
To register your business for EFTPS in TaxBandits, follow these steps for a hassle-free experience:
- Sign in to your TaxBandits account.
- Click ‘Make Payment’ under ‘EFTPS’ from the welcome dashboard.
- You will be directed to the EFTPS page. Click on the ‘Get Started Now’ button to register.
- Click on ‘Add Taxpayer’ to add the taxpayer details. If you’ve already added the taxpayer, click ‘Select Taxpayer from Address Book.’
- Enter the required information in the corresponding fields and click ‘Save’.
- Review your taxpayer information. If needed, you can ‘Edit’ or ‘Change Taxpayer.’ Now click on the ‘Continue to Choose Forms’ button to proceed.
- Choose the forms applicable for your tax payments. You can select multiple forms.
- Next, you must sign Form 8655 to authorize TaxBandits as your Reporting Agent (RA) to make tax payments.
- Click ‘Add Bank Account’ to add and verify the bank account you want to use for EFTPS payments.
- Click ‘Continue to Summary’ once the bank account details are added. To edit the bank account details, click ‘Edit.’
- On the summary page, review your details. If you need to make any changes, click ‘Edit’ next to the field you wish to update. Then click ‘Submit for Registration.’
- Your EFTPS registration will be successfully submitted. You can either register a new taxpayer by clicking ‘Register New Taxpayer’ or proceed to make a payment by clicking ‘Proceed to Make Payment.’
- Once you click ‘Proceed to Make Payment,’ enter the taxpayer information and the federal tax payment amount and schedule the payment time. Then, click ‘Continue.’
- Choose the package that best suits you by clicking ‘Choose plan.’
- Review the order summary, acknowledge it, and click ‘Complete Your Order.’
- Enter your card details and address, then click ‘Pay.’ Your payment will be successfully processed.
- Your business with EFTPS will be successfully registered.
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